Wednesday, February 11, 2009

public service announcement.

Waiting for a Different Kind of Ceiling to Fall

There was nothing I was looking more forward to tonight than my nice, big, warm, disheveled bed. I washed my sheets the other night so my bedroom smells like lilacs with a hint of Nag Champa that has seeped over from my living room to cover up the I-got-drunk-and-smoked-a-cigarette-indoors smell (more like got-drunk-and-let-my-visitors-smoke.. Turns out I'm a non-smoker). I cleaned up the piles of leopard print, purses, lingerie, and band t-shirts I'll never wear more than once off the floor so you could actually see the hardwood. 

No classes, technically, on Thursdays usually means I can get up early (depending on the goings-on the night before), get coffee, and do schoolwork for a couple hours, and waste a bunch of money thrift shopping or grocery shopping; depending on what kind of hunger pains I've got that day. 

Up at six, out of the house by six forty-five, in the doors of George Brown by 7:20 and in class soon after... It was an especially long day. A four hour butchery class, an all-afternoon-long demo in egg cookery (like I couldn't already make a perfect bechamel...) and a short break followed by a unexpectedly long lecture on canadian artisanal, farmstead & fine cheese ending at 10:00pm really sucked the life out of me. But, when push comes to chevre, I loved every minute of it. 

I loved every minute of today until I crawled into bed just now, at 2:15am... to find that it was soaking wet. And full of drywall. Or whatever ceilings are made of. And looked up. And understood why.

Now there's nothing I'm looking forward to more than reaming out my flaky landlord, the one that's been "meaning to patch up the plumbing and the ceiling" since... November? I have a feeling it's got something to do with the horrific rainstorm I walked home from school in, but that doesn't make me feel any better than the fact that I have to sleep on my couch tonight.

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