Ingrediants for a really wonderful election party are as follows:
1. Always have a hot date. I went as a new friend's +1. His roommate was throwing the party & I was assured there would be fireworks. Low & behold, there was more than one type of fireworks that night. Yeaah.
2. Always have a theme. This time it was a soul food themed potluck. There were ribs. There were several kinds of collard greens. I made a casserole of roasted garlic-chipotle mashed potatos with green onions. The roasted garlic isn't exactly southern, but thankfully I had some jarred chipotle peppers kicking around my new apartment. Weird.
3. Always stick to the host's choice of theme. I, obviously, dressed as Monica Lewinsky. This was complete with slutty lacy lingerie under my blue vintage dress (that I was planning on wearing to be someone else until Ren discovered a strange white stain on the front- Perfect!) and a great pair of loafers from Value Village. My date went as Tucker Carlson from Fox News, complete with the bow-tie that I lovingly tied for him (How does no one else know how to tie a bow-tie? Except you, Russ. Obviously). While I wasn't exactly sticking to the theme with my tetra-pak, Ren, thankfully, brought along a 26oz. bottle of Southern Comfort; something I have not bought a bottle of since I was 17 and thought I was Janis Joplin. Unfortunately, that was a phase that was shortlived for a reason. Three or four shots of that stuff on this Tuesday night was more than enough to send me over the edge.
4. Invite those who really know how to party. Fortunately for me, I can make new friends with the best of them. This party was complete with approximately 30-40 of the rest of the best of them. You think people from Winnipeg know how to party? Or maybe I thought people from Winnipeg knew how to party... These folks knew how to party. We went hog wild. We sang "Auld Lang Syne" over & over, popping champagne & sharing it with our new friends and neighbors. There was confetti. There were red, white, and blue balloons released from the ceiling by a girl in an American flag bikini. Wait, there was a girl in a bikini running around?
5. Always have a girl in a bikini present. This is my new requirement for parties. Having the hostess running around in a bikini, swigging champagne while simutaneously cutting cake (there was cake!) made for not only great pictures, but a great time as well.

6. Fireworks. Always have fireworks. And sparklers. About twenty of us shuffled over to the nearest park after Obama's speech to set off fireworks and run around with sparklers. My fur coat came in handy as the evening was chilly, but a strong buzz (Cough. I was absolutely smashed.) & the hope of having some fantastic new friends & a new American president kept me warm.
The night ended up being long, sloppy & truly wonderful. The election brought hope to oh-so-many Americans, and I definitely wasn't lacking it at the end of the evening. Falling (back) into bed around 4am after a differant kind of party, I found myself smiling.
Even a blind hog finds an acorn now & then.
1 comment:
A bikini and fur coat sounds good to me..
I hope you had a blast.
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