There are few things I detest more than when a perfectly good food blogg(er) goes to waste, has a baby, and replaces their recipes for galettes, terrines, and their famous featherdrop biscuits with babies, babies, babies. Now, I can perfectly appreciate that you are overjoyed by your little bundle of joy (Hell, I hope to have a couple of them myself one day!) but I wish you'd appreciate that, for now, I don't care to watch videos of your newborn shoveling yoghurt down it's throat when all I'm looking for is a good recipe for homemade hot & sour soup. Food blogs, fashion blogs, Lindsay Lohan's Myspace blog... A quick google let me be aware that there are, yes, over five MILLION blogs for proud mamas such as yourself.
If Cory can have both a food blog & a politics blog, then you can two too. And somehow, the genuis behind The Garden Apartment finds a way to involve children into her blog without bothering me, or my gag reflex.
For a girl that's more about Top Chef than Top Model, I understand that not everyone gets as excited about a good meal as I do. I've had a couple great ones since I moved here; the lamb stew at Oddfellow's, the yukon gold frites with lemon mayonnaise at Jamie Kennedy's Wine Bar, and the thin crust at Terroni... A good meal, or even one good dish, really fills my (artichoke) heart. Thanks to my all-of-a-sudden-unavailability to work as much as I'd like to at my friendly chi-chi neighborhood kitchenware shoppe, I have been forced to cook more out of my own home & I couldn't be more happy about it. As well as being good practice for my up and coming culinary career (in one way or another), I'm sure my friends couldn't be more happy about it either. Last week, I made an assortment of panini for dinner with a friend. French brie & bartlett pear on a buttery baguette for him, balsamic marinated & roasted plum tomatoes and red peppers with pesto & herbed goat cheese on Italian sourdough for me. I served them with oven fries I made; yukon golds I tossed & baked with garlic, cayenne, grated parmesan and sunflower oil and served them with $16 Roasted Garlic Aoili from Williams-Sonoma (minus my discount).
It was delicious.
This weekend, I'm making a thyme & buttermilk brined fried chicken dinner and I couldn't be more excited, and not only because I don't have to supply the wine.
In a big city with a little kitchen, it turns my stomach to see such a good food blog go to waste. Almost as much as it turned my stomach to see your youngest with creamy white yoghurt dripping all over it's chin.
you have identified a whole subculture of the internet: not only baby bloggers but the people who HATE them. I share your views. I hope your favourite food blogger SHAPES UP.
i have no problem with baby bloggers as long as they KEEP IT TO THEIR FUCKING BABY BLOGS.
but seriously, even the woman behind Hip Mama doesn't want to see your kid dribbling all over itself. That's not cute, it's disgusting.
I'm off yoghurt forever.
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