Today’s horoscope:
You should feel comfortable trusting the people who are in power right now -- your life might feel like a roller coaster right now, but that doesn't mean you are being taken for a ride. And any turbulence you are experiencing is not their fault. Be a team player! Now is not the time to let your emotions tell you what to do. Hedge your bets and stay right where you are. Moving away from the known can feel exciting, but it's simply not the best move for you right now.

Where I would like to have stayed put today would've been in Loverboy's bed. As I've blogged before, Sunday mornings are a family favourite. I firmly believe there is not much better in life than coffee under the sheets and (steamy, awesome, sweet...) sex before noon. Unfortunately, all that morning sex obviously threw me for a loop because after running (!!!) home in a mild snowstorm to change into my 'appropriate' work clothes, I hopped the streetcar & the subway just in time to make it to work... to find out I don't work. This is not the first time this has happened, either.
On my way home from 'wasting away' a couple hours reading The NY Times with a coffee & croissant at Starbucks, when leaving the sidewalk to board the 501 Queen, not only was I nearly hit by a car, but I was splashed harder than one of Ron Jeremy's extras. Only, you know, from a puddle.

Hey, this is Toronto. You never know.
Wet tights (and jacket, and scarf, and face..) and all, I trudged home in a beautiful snowstorm. "The kind of snowflakes Hollywood orders up for holiday comedies", someone once mused via text message.

I got splashed by a car. I've got a 7 o'clock class tomorrow morning. I made a beautiful lamb sausage, sundried tomato & spinach ragu for dinner that I couldn't eat after I found a chunk of glass in my first bowl. But that's all okay. I'm spending the night with the internet; food and design blogs of total & complete strangers dazzling me from afar.
I couldn't be much happier all considering.
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