Wednesday, January 14, 2009

the thoughts of mary jane.

(Dis)Courtesy of the Toronto Star, my horoscope today is as follows:

"When a struggle has been won, you soon become bored. But when faced with a difficult new task or challenge, the thrill of the chase motivates you. Something is now being offered to you on a plate."

I'm a pretty typical Aries when it comes down to it. Enthusiastic, confident, quick-witted and with an often overwhelming sexual energy, I still don't know why I check my horoscope because it never makes me feel better about myself or my at-the-moment-current situation. Although Aries' are characterized to be all of the perfectly acceptable aforementioned things, they also happen to be irritable, quick-tempered, sensitive and prone to nervous breakdowns.

Oh, the audacity.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

HOW DID I KNOW YOU WERE AN ARIES! Without knowing your birthday mind you!